Tuning Boards  


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  These kits are PLL tunings boards for FM tuners.

The oscillator signal of the tuner is connected to the board which then supplies the tuning voltage. The FMPLL1 board is designed for tuners with 0-30V tuning and the FMPLL2 for tuners with 0-9V tuning.

The boards include 9V and 5V supplies for the tuning IC, and the PLL1 includes a 30V DC supply also as well as a 20V supply for tuners that need this voltage. The PLL2 board is supplied through the control board. The PLL1 needs an additional 12V AC supply and 24V DC is the 20V supply is needed.

The IC used has support for AM also, but the current control board software does not support this. If you write your own software, the AM part can be used also.

Qty: Order code: Description: Price (ex. VAT):
FMPLL1 Tuning board for 0-30V tuners 39,00 €
FMPLL2 Tuning board for 0-9V tuners 26,00 €
Delivery time: 3-4 days