LM3875 poweramp  


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  This "kit" is offered as either a kit or as a PCB only. You get a parts list, schematic and a short manual with either.

So what is this? This is a small, easy to build, poweramp using the National Semiconductor LM3875 chip - often referred to as a "gainclone".

The board is a complete single-channel poweramp and power supply. All you have to add is a power transformer and a (small) heatsink. Depending on the transformer you choose, output powers up to about 50W are possible.

What makes this board different from the others available? I designed it to be flat - it will easily fit in a 1U rack. The board is a high-quality double sided, through-plated, silver-plated glassfiber type.

New: I have found a cheaper source for the "good" parts, so the standard version has been discontinued.

Part list (PDF 5kB)
Schematic (PDF 7kB)

Qty: Order code: Description: Price (ex. VAT):
LM3875PCB LM3875 amp PCB 6,00 €
LM3875KITD LM3875 amp kit ("deluxe" version) 33,00 €
Delivery time: 3-4 days