Multi-voltage supplies  


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  317337PSU is a +/- supply for powering op. amp. circuits for instance. The input is for a single or dual/center-tapped AC supply (such as one winding of the TR8/15, or an AC wall-wart). For an unlisted voltage please ask.

PhPSU1b is a supply for use in mic pres for instance. It supplies 5V 600mA (6V or 8V on request), +/-12V or +/-15V 100mA and 48V 60mA (for phantom/P48 use). The on-board low profile transformer has dual voltage 115V/230V input. The supply can easily power four ThatMic kits.

Qty: Order code: Description: Price (ex. VAT):
317337PSU LM317/337 supply kit. Voltage: 10,00 €
317337PSUPCB LM317/337 supply kit (PCB only) 5,00 €
PhPSU1b PSU kit 5V, 48V and 39,00 €
Delivery time: 3-4 days